News and Updates

Fourth Annual 1969-2019 Trivia Night - January 2019


Round up your ’69 buddies and participate in the fourth (and final) Trivia Night with the ’19s on Saturday, January 12, 2019. This event has proven to be highly popular with both the ’19s and with the ’69s who have participated.  Rick Willets and Paul Tuhus have spent this past year hard at work concocting be another great set of creative, clever, and interesting questions (on both general and Dartmouth trivia) to challenge and amuse both young and old.

Charleston Mini Reunion October 2018 admin

ey, Guys and Gals,

July 2018 Mets mini-Reunion admin

I added a gallery of photos take by Mark Bankoff at the July 2018 Mets mini-Reunion. If someone does a write-up of the event, I will add it here.  Here is the link to the gallery.