News and Updates

Casual Conversation September 15 with Foster Hirsch

On the Ides of September, i.e., September 15, a Sunday at 3 pm ET, we will be having a Casual Conversation with Foster Hirsch, Professor of Film at Brooklyn College, and board member of the Film Noir Foundation.  He is the author most recently of Hollywood and Movies of the Fifties: The Collapse of the Studio System, the Thrill of Cinerama, and the Invasion of the Ultimate Body Snatcher—Television (Knopf 2023).

Casual Conversation August 25th Christopher Hart on Safety in Hospitals

Christopher (Chris) Hart will be joining us for a Casual Conversation on Sunday, August 25, at 3 pm Eastern Time on Zoom.  Chris comes to us courtesy of his friend from Denver grade school and our Dartmouth ’69 classmate Jay (“Yogi”) Glaser.

This is Chris’s description of what he would like to speak to us about (lightly edited):

“How Aviation Safety Practices Can Improve Your Safety in the Hospital”

ComingHome Weekend October 4-5, 2024

Dartmouth College Class of 1969
ComingHome Weekend - October 4-5, 2024
Please join us. Register Now.

Mark your calendar – book your hotel room – and plan to join us in Hanover for ComingHome on October 4-5, 2024.  The following schedule of events has been updated as of August 1, 2024.

(Note: Our ComingHome weekend does not coincide with the official College Homecoming weekend. There will not be a parade and bonfire.)

Friday, October 4, 2024: