The following is an update by Tom Kenney sent to members of Foley House and graciously shared.

Hello Foley People,

The IMG attachment is Erica and me while traveling last Fall. Maybe you remember Erica from parties at the house in '67-'69? We've been traveling together ever since. It would be fun if you were to share one of your own pictures or write a note directly to the above email list, or send it to me and I'll post it next update.

CONGRATULATIONS AND THANK YOU for your participation and generosity in last year's annual DCF drive. Foley came through with a participation rate ranking at the average of all fraternities. That's the first time I've ever seen us ranked as "average". "Superior" or "floor-hugging" I would understand, but "average"?

Here's another invitation to our class website at  brought to you by our own Peter Elias. It's a great place to keep up with what's happening, unfortunately including death notices and fortunately highlighting many more happy items like status of our Big reunion.

Foleys are leading The '69 Reunion June 7-11 2019: Peter Elias and Arthur Ferguson represent 25% of the hard-working Reunion Committee and just about 50% of us have already responded either Yes or Maybe to the preliminary invitation to attend (Dick Bourgeois, Peter Elias, Arthur Ferguson, Thom Herman, Peter Imber, Tom Kenney, David Kinsey, Al Pief and George Stauffer). Pls go to the class website to add your name.

Have you heard of the Early Bird Reunion Fund Program?   It lets you be a hero twice and offers tax flexibility too. It's open to any of us who plan to contribute at least $2,000 to our reunion fund (part of DCF) and wanting to spread payment over over two fiscal years. What you contribute under this program in this fiscal year ($1,000 or more before 6/30/18) will be reported as an FY'18 contribution AND will be added to what you contribute in FY'19 (another $1,000 or more before 6/30/19) to be your total class reunion fund contribution. Pls see the second above attachment for more details or call the College Fund at 603-646-3621 or 800-228-1769.

I wonder how many of us would have been able to attend Dartmouth without financial help from the College? Not me. Our contributions of any size are important, especially if you have not given in recent years. Thank you for considering this "ask".

Be well,


