Classmate Brian Maracle preserving the Mohawk language admin

Thanks to Keneth Paul '69 for alerting us to this NYTimes article about Brian Maracle.

An excerpt:

"Now, 30 years later, Mr. Maracle has become a champion of Mohawk, and is helping revive it and other Indigenous languages, both in Canada and elsewhere, through his transformation of teaching methods.

Class Activity Report (CAR) 2021-2022 admin

Here is a link to our Class Activities report, summarizing the great stuff we have done as a Class over the last year. Many, many classmates contribute to making these things happen.


George Stauffer and Renée Anne Louprette admin

Sixty Dartmouth Poems admin

Dan Clouse '71 alerted me to the existence of a pamphlet of poems entitled Sixty Dartmouth Poems that were selected by Professor Eberhart and published in 1969. Professor Eberhart wrote the Foreward.

Contributors include (I included their Dartmouth class when I could find it):