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Jewish Culure Group discussion November 1, 2021

On Monday, November 1 at 4:00 pm Eastern (US) time, Hunter College Professor of Jewish and Hebrew Studies Leah Garrett will be our guest for a Casual Conversation sponsored by the Jewish Culture Group.  As always everyone is invited, and we suspect that many of you will want to hear about the incredible and inspiring stories she wrote about in her new book, X Troop: The Secret Jewish Commandos of World War II.  The stories of

Jewish Culture Group conversation with Rose Mantelmacher Oct 13, 2021

On October 13 of this year Rose Mantelmacher will turn 100 years old.  That she has lived that long is notable, but even more significant is what happened 76 years ago when Rose was liberated from Bergen Belson by British troops.  Sick with Typhus, she was unable to eat although suffering from malnutrition and desperately hungry.  That probably saved her life because the troops did not know the proper medical protocols to feed

October 18th: Jewish Culture Group discusses identity and assimilation

On October 18 at 5 pm Eastern time, a new year kicks off for the Jewish Culture Group with a distinguished guest, Harry K. Danziger, Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Israel of Memphis TN.  The topic is the ever-relevant issue of assimilation versus identity, for Jews as well as all other immigrants to America.  Here is a short biographical note on the Rabbi:

Casual Conversation with Professor Bradley September 21, 2021

It’s fall and time to go back to school.  Welcome to the new season of Casual Conversations with Dartmouth faculty and classmates.  And our next guest has been chosen for us by, of all people, Professor James Heffernan, Professor Emeritus of English, a fabulous guest who regaled us with 90-minutes of enthusiastic memories, insights on how he came to teach James Joyce, and a recitation of one of his own poems.  He also gave a s

Saturday Night at the Movies July 10, 2021

Our next Saturday at the Movies, employing the Amazon Prime Watch Party function, will be on July 10 at 8 pm Eastern (US).  The usual cautions apply: you will need a US Amazon Prime account, a lap top or desk top computer to watch the movie,  a web browser other than Safari (with Chrome working best), and you will have to rent (at $3.99) or purchase the movie from Amazon before you can join the party.  Watch Party has a chat feature so that we can talk among ourselves while the movie is in progress, and we join together after the movie is over to discuss it via Zoom.

Saturday night at the Movies, April 24, 2021

On April 24 at 8 pm Eastern (US), film fans will once again gather for Saturday Night at the Movies employing the services of Amazon Prime’s Watch Party function.  Our last Saturday Night at the Movies joined nine of us together for the exemplary Caged starring Academy Award nominee Eleanor Parker and a cast of superb women actors including Hope Emerson as the cruel matron of a women’s prison. After we watched the movie, using the chat function to comment in real time, we convened via Zoom for a richer, “in person” discussion that lasted for almost an hour.