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Jewish Culture Group conversation with Rose Mantelmacher May 30th 2021

On October 13 of this year Rose Mantelmacher will turn 100 years old.  That she has lived that long is notable, but even more significant is what happened 76 years ago when Rose was liberated from Bergen Belson by British troops.  Sick with Typhus, she was unable to eat although suffering from malnutrition and desperately hungry.  That probably saved her life because the troops did not know the proper medical protocols to feed

Casual Conversation with Professor Santulli June 13th, 2021

Having just participated in an illuminating and personally valuable Green Dot session with Peter Elias, learning the fundamentals about effective bystander intervention, it is time to turn to our next Casual Conversation.  Our conversationalist is Robert B. Santulli, M.D.  Dr. Santulli is Honorary Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Geisel School of Medicine and Senior Lecturer in the Dartmouth Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences.   Dr. Santulli was brought to our attention by classmate Peter Schaeffer, who heard Dr.

October 18th: Jewish Culture Group discusses identity and assimilation

On October 18 at 5 pm Eastern time, a new year kicks off for the Jewish Culture Group with a distinguished guest, Harry K. Danziger, Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Israel of Memphis TN.  The topic is the ever-relevant issue of assimilation versus identity, for Jews as well as all other immigrants to America.  Here is a short biographical note on the Rabbi:

Jewish Culure Group discussion November 1, 2021

On Monday, November 1 at 4:00 pm Eastern (US) time, Hunter College Professor of Jewish and Hebrew Studies Leah Garrett will be our guest for a Casual Conversation sponsored by the Jewish Culture Group.  As always everyone is invited, and we suspect that many of you will want to hear about the incredible and inspiring stories she wrote about in her new book, X Troop: The Secret Jewish Commandos of World War II.  The stories of

Casual Conversation with Dick Glovsky and John Isaacson February 15th, 2022

On Tuesday, February 15 at 5 PM Eastern Standard Time, Dick Glovsky and John Isaacson will present “Ideas to make retirement most rewarding.” Dick will call upon his extensive experience in the non-profit and pro bono world while John (Class of ‘68, a Rhodes Scholar and Chair of Isaacson Miller) will lend his years of experience as a non-profit placement expert to the discussion of avenues to make retirement rewarding and significant after our professional careers have concluded.

Casual Conversation: Bruce Alpert and Peter Elias on staying healthy 2/27/2022

On Sunday, February 27 at 3 pm Eastern Standard Time, our classmates Bruce Alpert and Peter Elias will host on Zoom a casual conversation on approaches to staying healthy.  Their description is below.  This discussion overlaps in significant ways with the casual conversation with Dick Glovsky and John Isaacson on how to be active and engaged in retirement.  One way, of course, to stay engaged and healthier thereby is stay in t

Casual Conversation January 30, 2022 with Paul Gambaccini

On Sunday, January 30, 2022, at 3 pm Eastern Standard Time, Paul Gambaccini will join us on Zoom for a casual conversation.  He will be speaking from London, England, where he has lived and worked for decades.   As with all our casual conversations with Dartmouth colleagues, this will not be an exercise in nostalgia about our College years.  Rather, Paul has spent a lifetime forging a unique path in the entert