Casual Conversation December 22nd: Estate Planning admin

A Casual Conversation on estate planning and administration will be held at 3 pm Eastern on Sunday, December 22.  Our conversants will be classmate and attorney Doug Reynolds as well as Kevin Cox, a law firm colleague of classmate Bruce Alpert’s son Jeremy.  Doug was recruited by classmate Clint Harris.  This session was suggested

Casual Conversation December 15: Paula Kurman about Jim Bouton admin

On Sunday, December 15 at 3 pm Eastern, Paula Kurman, widow of major league baseball pitcher and author Jim Bouton, will join us for a Casual Conversation.  She comes to us courtesy of classmate Chip Elitzer, who writes:  “Paula’s book about their [hers and Jim Bouton’s] life together, ‘The Cool of the Evening,’ has just been published.  In a way, it’s the completion of a trilogy, following Jim’s classic, ‘Ball Four,’ and his recounting of our adventure together in Pittsfield [MA], ‘Foul Ball Part II.’”

Casual Conversation November 17: Paul Pillar '69 on partisanship and foreign policy admin

On Sunday, November 17 at 3 pm Eastern Time, classmate Paul Pillar will be returning for a Casual Conversation on Zoom to discuss with us the thesis he elaborates in his most recent book, Beyond the Water’s Edge: How Partisanship Corrupts U.S. Foreign Policy (Columbia University Press 2023).