Shuman, Charles Whitney (10/7/1983)
At this time we have no published obituary for Charles Shuman. If you have anecdotes or memories to share or access to an obituary, please let us know.
At this time we have no published obituary for Charles Shuman. If you have anecdotes or memories to share or access to an obituary, please let us know.
At this time we do not have a published obituary for Gregory Turgeon. If you have anecdotes. memories, or access to an obituary, please let us know.
At this time, we have no published obituary for George Glaser. If you have memories, anecdotes, or access to an obituary, please let us know.
At this time, we have no published obituary for Stephen Tupper. If you have memories, anecdotes or access to an obituary, please let us know.
At this time, we have no published obituary for Joseph Sewall. If you have memories, anecdotes, or access to an obituary, please let us know.
Word has been received that Enea Atti died in February, 1974. Enea was born on April 9, 1947, in Baden, Switzerland. He attended Horseheads High School in Horseheads, NY, graduating in 1965. Enea’s father Eros attended the University of Bologna and is a well-known physicist. Enea’s friends in the Class of 1969 extend their sympathy to Enea’s parents, relatives, and friends.