At the April monthly Executive Committee meeting, Arthur Fergenson summarized the virtual (Zoom) activities we are doing as a Class:

  1. The next Saturday Night at the Movies is on April 24 at 8 pm Eastern.  The movie is Hail the Conquering Hero, a comedy written and directed by Preston Sturges.  Thus far, eight sign-ups:  Nanalee Raphael, Allen Denison, Bruce English, David Kinsey, Chip Elitzer, Jim Staros, Brian O’Connor, and Sandy Rode.  A full description with particulars on participation has been posted to the Class website and sent to all Class members via iModules.
  2. The next Casual Conversation on April 25 at 3 pm Eastern, will be led by Ray Saginur, M.D., a highly-credentialed infectious disease specialist who is also well-versed in medical ethics, having been involved in IRB decisionmaking.  The information will soon be posted on the Class website and sent to Class members via iModules.
  3. The next meeting of Bruce Alpert’s Jewish Culture Group is next Monday at 4 pm, and will feature as our guest Dartmouth Professor Susannah Heschel, an accomplished scholar in her own right and the only child of famed Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.  The invitation to join has been posted on the Class website and sent to all Class members via iModules.  Considerable interest has been expressed.  Previously, Bruce obtained as a guest the current manager of Dartmouth Hillel and a member of its board.  He is looking for more guests.
  4. The next play reading will be held on May 2 at 1 pm Eastern.  The play is The Ascent of F6 by WH Auden and Christopher Isherwood.  It was originally performed in the US by Orson Welles’s Mercury Theater.  The last play read was The Maid’s Tragedy, an oft-produced Jacobean Tragedy written by Middleton & Rowley.
  5. The monthly Social Hour sponsored by Jim Staros continues.  I have suggested to Jim that perhaps we invite Dartmouth Professor Cynthia Gaposchkin.  Her grandmother and namesake is a famous astrophysicist/astronomer who broke the gender barrier in her profession and at Harvard.  Professor Gaposchkin is Chair of the Dartmouth History Department and specializes in cultural history of the late Middle Ages.  Her bio is available on the Dartmouth faculty website. She may be able to share thoughts on what we can learn from what happened to Europe after the Black Death (repeatedly) ravaged the continent.
  6. Tex Talmadge sponsors a weekly addiction meeting on Zoom on Sunday evening.

