Schofield, David Patrick (12/9/1998)
No published obituary available.
We appreciate your patience while we work at collecting and publishing photos, obituaries, and classmate comments about departed classmates. If you have information to contribute to this effort, please use the contact form to let us know. Thank you.
No published obituary available.
We do not have a published obituary at this time, but will add one when it becomes available.
George Henry Selden, Jr. passed away on December 23, 2016, after a 3-year battle with A.L.S. He was ready to join Jesus and passed peacefully with his wife, daughters, sons-in-law, oldest granddaughter, dear friends, John and Judy Rossi, and his two, remarkable care-givers present. He is survived by his immediate family: wife, Linda Gordy Selden, daughters Mandy McClelland and Amy Rowland.
William L. Selden, a businessman, philanthropist, sportsman, dog lover, innate comedian, husband, father and grandfather, died on February 5, following injuries sustained in a skiing accident. He was 70. Bill lived an incredibly full life that brought him around the globe in the pursuit of many passions and rewarded him with a trove of great friends and stories.
Obituary from the American Physical Society:
At this time, we have no published obituary for Joseph Sewall. If you have memories, anecdotes, or access to an obituary, please let us know.
We are saddened to announce the passing of Harry Donald Shea on Sept. 13, 2024 after a long battle with cancer.
Born Aug. 5, 1947 to proud parents Lucille (Quinnam) and Donald Shea, Harry grew up in a close-knit family in Wiscasset, Maine, as an active youngster, ball player, and industrious paperboy.
At Wiscasset High School, Harry served as president and graduated valedictorian of the Class of ‘65. He was also a four-sport varsity athlete and involved in many clubs, including National Honor Society and the now extinct “Slide Rule Club."
At this time we have no published obituary for Charles Shuman. If you have anecdotes or memories to share or access to an obituary, please let us know.
John A. Skirius passed away on November 18, 2010 at his home in Los Angeles with his family at his side. Following Dartmouth, John received his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1975 and taught Spanish/American literature at UCLA for over 30 years. A former student described John as a gracious and kind man as well as a renowned expert in his field. He spent much of his time in Mexico and wrote books and published essays on many influential Mexican writers and leaders. He was revered among his Mexican colleagues for his great knowledge of their country and culture.
The Reverend Timothy J. Stein, former pastor of Faith Lutheran Church in Cambridge, died in hospice on July 31st. The cause of death was metastatic pancreatic cancer. He was 74 years old. Tim was born in Chicago and grew up in Willmette, Salt Lake City and Denver.