2018-2019: Dartmouth Ski Patrol (DSP) $10,000 grant
The Dartmouth Ski Patrol was formed more than 60 years ago by students at Dartmouth College who recognized the need for people trained in first aid to serve the growing number of participants in winter sports in the area of the College. The goals of the patrol are summarized as Safety, Rescue, and Education.
Most patrol members are undergraduate students and are unpaid volunteers. A number of area residents and alumni also volunteer.
All members currently pay for their own personal equipment, National Ski Patrol dues and some training costs. The patrollers are trained to assess an ill or injured person, to manage life-threatening conditions and to provide basic emergency care whether working in the outdoor environment or in the lodge.
During the ski season training takes place on a nearly continuous basis and several day-long special training events are held throughout the year.
Their extensive training ensures that Dartmouth patrollers are well prepared not only to serve the Dartmouth Skiway, but as they graduate and leave the area, they will be able to serve their community as a rescuer and leader, wherever they may be.