For our online casual conversations

Casual Conversation December 22nd: Estate Planning admin

A Casual Conversation on estate planning and administration will be held at 3 pm Eastern on Sunday, December 22.  Our conversants will be classmate and attorney Doug Reynolds as well as Kevin Cox, a law firm colleague of classmate Bruce Alpert’s son Jeremy.  Doug was recruited by classmate Clint Harris.  This session was suggested

Casual Conversation December 15: Paula Kurman about Jim Bouton admin

On Sunday, December 15 at 3 pm Eastern, Paula Kurman, widow of major league baseball pitcher and author Jim Bouton, will join us for a Casual Conversation.  She comes to us courtesy of classmate Chip Elitzer, who writes:  “Paula’s book about their [hers and Jim Bouton’s] life together, ‘The Cool of the Evening,’ has just been published.  In a way, it’s the completion of a trilogy, following Jim’s classic, ‘Ball Four,’ and his recounting of our adventure together in Pittsfield [MA], ‘Foul Ball Part II.’”

Casual Conversation November 17: Paul Pillar '69 on partisanship and foreign policy admin

On Sunday, November 17 at 3 pm Eastern Time, classmate Paul Pillar will be returning for a Casual Conversation on Zoom to discuss with us the thesis he elaborates in his most recent book, Beyond the Water’s Edge: How Partisanship Corrupts U.S. Foreign Policy (Columbia University Press 2023).

Casual Conversation: Professor Luxon October 14th at 5 PM ET

On Monday, October 14 at 5 pm Eastern Time, we will have a Casual Conversation with Thomas H. Luxon, Dartmouth Professor of English, Emeritus and Cheheyl Professor and Inaugural Director of the Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning (DCAL).  His faculty listing may be found here: .  His faculty entry links to his downloadable cv.