For Reunions
More information to follow - check back closer to the event.
Pre-Reunion Ravine Lodge information
Reunion50 Schedule
Dartmouth College
Class of 1969–50th Reunion
June 6-10, 2019
(Updated March 8, 2019)
Residence Hall: McLaughlin Cluster
Class Headquarters: Occom Commons
Class Tent: Maynard Street
Invitation to the 50th Reunion
Dear ’69 Classmates,
Has your life been lived your way? Triumphs and tragedies? Fortunes and reversals of fortunes? Love found and love lost? What part did serendipity play? Roads taken and not taken? Who or what changed your lives forever? Let’s share our stories.
We can, you know. In 2019, there will occur two momentous and very personal events.