Dear ’69 Classmates,

As those who attended our 55th Reunion know, it was a great success.  Many thanks to our Reunion co-chairs Norman Jacobs and Dona Heller and to others on the Reunion Committee, including Dudley Kay, our attendance guru; Rick Willets, who handled finances and organized the class survey; John Leavitt, who handled registration; Bill Stableford, who planned and chaired both the Memorial Service and the Vietnam era discussion; John Beck and John Mathias, who moderated our open discussion session; and to Peter Elias, Allen Denison, and Tex Talmadge, who handled publicity.  Peter has posted photos from Reunion on the class website here, the class survey and trivia quiz slides here, and the Memorial Service slide show here.  The roster of the Executive Committee elected at the Class Meeting at Reunion is here.

A great way to keep in touch with all things ’69 is to join (or rejoin) the class listserv.  Many announcements and reminders for virtual and in-person class events are posted on the listserv, including the links for our monthly virtual social hour.  If you would like to join, please email Peter Elias (, and he will add you to the list.

A black and white image of a bird

Description automatically generatedAll the best,

Jim Staros ‘69

