Nick North shares some photos from his time in Vietnam.

Chinook and a landing gaggle of Hueys:

Gaggle of Hueys


Cholon - a grimy section of Saigon where a lot of the refugees fleeing south would settle:

Cholon December 1971


Delta near Cap St. Jacques (VungTao):

delta from above


Garry Giebel (our classmate) here pointing to the sign on our hooch - Ghetto West. Neither Garry nor I were pilots (we were non-rated) so we were sort of a lower caste in our helicopter battalion:

Gary Giebel


Long Binh was US Army's massive HQ north of Saigon seen from the door-gunner postion on a Huey:

Long Binh from the air


Nick and his staff . I was the S-1 or Personnel Officer and Adjutant for the 229th Assault Helicopter Battalion which flew in support of the 3rd Brigade of the First Cav. When I was there we were pretty much the only units still actively in combat:

Nick and his staff


View of a rice paddy from the air:

Rice paddy aerial view


The Pee House of the August Moon we called the shed we were all sent into deliver a urine sample from time to time and especially if we were leaving the country for R&R or rotating back to the US:

Pee House of the August Moon