Inaugurating what I hope will be a new series of ad hoc pop-up Zoom get-togethers, I am sponsoring a Zoom poetry participatory reading this Tuesday, November 24, 2020, at 5 pm Eastern (US).  Each person on the call will be expected to read two poems (of any authorship) of his or her choosing.  That’s it.  No obligation to pick a poem of a certain length, although some verse works—like Paradise Lost or Howl—might be considered a bit too long for this venue.  No obligation, either, to pick a certain formal style, like a sonnet, or to rhyme, or to choose blank verse, free verse, or any of the other forms of poetry.  Participants will be encouraged to share why they chose their poems, and how they react to the poems read by others.  No grades given.
Tex Talmadge has already agreed to be part of this event.  W.H. Auden wrote: “Poetry makes nothing happen.”  Come make nothing happen with Tex and me this coming Tuesday.
If you want to attend, please let me know.

Arthur Fergenson '69

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