Nick North '69

Arrival in Nam...a beautiful country, I thought, gazing from the white sands  and bright blue waters of Cam Ranh, my port of entry, toward the rugged green mountains in the distance...and I still thought so, winging southward in the lumbering C-130 toward Saigon until I noticed----
            “What are all those round muddy little ponds, all so close together and perfectly symmetrical?”, I wondered.
And then , as it went on that way for miles, I

Jeff Burnett '69

During the summer of 1974, I received a call from a Navy captain on behalf of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO, Zumwalt) to determine if there was a way that I might be convinced to remain on active duty in light of my resignation. The Navy at the time had a shortfall of junior officers aspiring to command.
I was 5 years into a very rewarding surface line officer experience.

Steve Barrett '69

I was an eager attendee at last Sunday’s CC about military service in Vietnam, but had nothing to say then because I did not serve. Like many of our classmates, I was pre-med and excused from military service when I went to med school.

69s and the Vietnam War

In the Fall of 2023, classmates Bill Stableford and Arthur Fergenson arranged an online Casual Conversation with several '69s who served in Viet Nam.  Bill described his intent as follows:
"While the Vietnam War was indeed long ago, none of us were unaffected by it, so I think that an historical perspective and discussion might be of interest to fellow classmates, regardless of how they felt or what they did about the war.  For the presentation, I thought it would be of interest to hear from those classmates who act