For news and updates about classmates.

Call for Outstanding Service Award Nominations

In the past, the Class of ’69 Honorees Committee (currently consisting of Greg Lau, Rick Willets, Peter Elias  and Jim Staros ex officio) invited and received a number of recommendations from various members of our Class for the Committee to consider recognizing with the Class of 1969 Outstanding Service Award. Our inaugural awards recognized Rick Willets and David Prentice (posthumously) at our 75th birthday celebration last June and Norman Jacobs and Peter Elias were honored at our October Homecoming last year.

Letter from Dick Glovsky, our Alumni Council Repressentative

Dear classmates,

As our Class of 1969 representative on the Dartmouth Alumni Council, I’m again reaching out to ask for your input. The Alumni Council, which represents all classes, clubs, affiliated groups and various graduate schools, is YOUR Dartmouth eyes and ears. It’s here to help keep you informed about Dartmouth today, as well as to, hopefully, inspire engagement and share the views of Dartmouth’s alumni with the College’s leadership.

Important Update on the Harari-Sapiens Casual Conversation event

Due to a family conflict for Arthur (playing with grandkids), the discussion of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari has been moved from December 28 of this year to January 17 of next year and from 3 pm Eastern to 4:30 pm Eastern.
Thus far, the following have signed up:  Peter Elias, Daniel Cooperman, Peter Schaeffer, Steven Horwitz, and David Abbott.
The change of date allows more people to have the time to read the book and join us.  Please consider doing so.

The Ds of Old

In preparation for our 50th Reunion, we collected images from issues of The Dartmouth during our Freshman year. Our goal was to continue adding images that spanned our entire undergraduate years, but we never followed through collecting images beyond our Freshman year. (A project for the future, perhaps.  Feel free to volunteer.