Bill, Thanks again for organizing this important conversation.  I listened from start to finish.  I noted with personal interest such references as things being hot and heavy in 1967-68 (Sandy), the infantry and artillerymen who were bearing the brunt (John Sasser), the role of the enlisted personnel vice the officers (our speakers were all the latter, I believe), and the lack of input from someone who was badly injured and returned with whatever issues that may have occasioned.  As an enlisted Marine artilleryman who served in RVN April 1967 to February 1968 and was blown up, patched up, and returned to a campus where all that was met with curiosity at best and hostility at worst from undergraduates who had never heard, nor ever would hear, a shot fired in anger, I would have enjoyed joining in the conversation, but I couldn’t find a way to break into it before our two hours plus had flown by.  I’ll write it up for the ‘69 Times.  Thanks again for making this happen.