GreenBook photo:
Osberg O Green Book
Aegis photo:
Osberg O Aegis

The following obituary appeared in the San Jose Mercury News, and was slightly revised by Dick’s wife, Sally.

“A gentle man who loved his family, friends, life and work, Richard Osberg died of brain cancer on October 17, 2007.

“Born in Boston, Richard, who was known as Dick to his friends, grew up in New England. He graduated in 1969 with honors in English from Dartmouth College, which also awarded him the Academy of American Poets Poetry Prize. At Dartmouth, he studied under Chaucerian Alan Gaylord, who became his lifelong friend, and poet Richard Eberhart. In recent years, he served the college as Visitor to the Chandler Foundation.

“Dick went on to receive his Ph.D. in Middle English Literature from Claremont Graduate School. 2007 marked his 25th anniversary as Professor of English literature at Santa Clara University, where he also directed the University Honors Program and Office of Fellowships. He was a well-respected and published scholar whose expertise included Chaucer, the Middle English lyric, and devotional prose; in later years, he developed an interest in medievalism, in particular the English Arts and Crafts movement. Professor Osberg relished sharing the great works of literature with his students, and his passion for teaching and learning only grew stronger with the years.

“Beyond academics, Dick sustained many interests, from sailing, skiing, hiking and tennis to woodworking, stamp-collecting, and gardening. Friends remember his steady hand at the helm, his deft drop-shot, and his unflagging sportsmanship. He celebrated his 60th birthday this past winter with his wife Sally in Davos, Switzerland, where he skied the Parsenn with the grace and élan that were his signature. During the spring, he began building a small wooden sloop, the perfect vessel for teaching his new grandson to sail.

“Dick is survived by his parents, June and Calvin Osberg; by sisters Nancy Durocher and Martha Clark; by his dearest daughter and son-in law Jerusha and Austin Conner, and sweet baby grandson Curtis; and by his adored wife of 38 years Sally, to whom he wrote a poem every Valentine’s day.

“He was buried in Phippsburg, Maine at a private family service. In lieu of flowers, his family requests that contributions be sent to the American Cancer Society, to Loaves and Fishes (408-934-4990), or to a charity meaningful to you.”


Freshman dorm
Richardson Hall



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