The Casual Conversation with Professor Caitlin Talmadge, daughter of classmate and Class Officer Tex Talmadge, was originally scheduled earlier in May but had to be postponed due to illness of our guest.  You will pleased to know that Professor Talmadge (The Younger) has completely recovered and has been to Paris for a meeting in the interim.  She is ready and raring to go, and a new date has been set:  Wednesday, June 15 at 2 pm Eastern Time. 

Approximately 40 people have signed up.  If your schedule can accommodate this event, I urge you to join us.  There are a great many articles easily available on the internet on the geopolitics of the current Russian invasion of Ukraine, including by Anne Applebaum and Anthony Vindman.  Oksana Zabuzhko has spoken passionately about the horrors visited on her people, including a heartrending Commentary in TLS that connects the atrocities to Russian literature, and asks: ”what did you expect.”  You can find several of her speeches on .

You should try to read some of Professor Talmadge’s writings in the WSJ (“What Putin’s Nuclear Threats Mean for the U.S.”) and in WaPo (“Putin just tested a new long-range missile.  What does that mean?”,  “The Ukraine crisis is now a nuclear crisis”, and “Was it risky for the U.S. to take public responsibility for killing Soleimani?).

For further information, please see the original announcement for Professor Talmadge’s Casual Conversation.

If you wish to join, please email me at



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